Criminal Fraud

white collar criminal defense firm


Years of Legal Experience

Money is at the center of fraud, bribery and embezzlement crimes. Many of these criminal activities take place in corporations, small businesses and government agencies, giving birth to many white collar laws in federal and state courts.


Criminal fraud is a blanket term that is used to cover a litany of criminal acts that involve deception by a person that injures another individual in some material way. Criminal fraud includes forgery, trademark counterfeiting, credit card abuse, false statements, misapplication of fiduciary property, exploitation of a child or the elderly, and commercial bribery.


Criminal embezzlement is a subset of fraud. These cases are unique in that the fraudulent acts come from a person who was placed in a position of trust and originally obtained the property lawfully. Usually, embezzlement charges arise from an insider in a company who is fraudulently converting funds for their own use or a fiduciary that has lawfully obtained funds and converted them for their own improper use.


Bribery is its own area of fraud. Bribery involves one party giving a benefit, usually money, in return for a favorable discretionary decision from a public servant, party official, or judge. The classic case of bribery is paying a politician for them to vote a certain way or giving money to a judge for a favorable ruling.

Odom, Davis & Hobson

These white collar crimes are prosecuted by a special division of a district attorney’s office.  Unlike most state crimes, these cases involve copious documentation and mens rea elements not seen in the majority of state criminal actions. Our firm’s focus on federal white collar crimes transitions well into providing services for clients charged with monetary crimes in state court.  

For over 40 years, Odom, Davis & Hobson has handled some of the most high profile white collar crimes in the State of Texas, including involvement in the Enron cases in the early 2000’s. Our Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys have the experience and knowledge to handle all types of white collar cases in both state and federal court.

If you have been charged, or are being investigated, for any of these fraud based charges, contact one of the Fraud Attorneys at Odom, Davis & Hobson.

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