Child Pornography Lawyers

Our Firm represents clients charged with child pornography offenses in state and federal court


Years of Legal Experience

Laws against child pornography are very stringent in the federal system. Federal law prohibits the possession, sale, distribution, or production of pornographic images that contain children. Simple possession of child pornography on your computer, or in tangible form, can result in a lengthy amount of time in Federal Prison depending on the particular facts of the case. It is extremely important that you contact an experienced child pornography attorney the moment that you hear of an investigation.

Peer to peer networks have created a troubling area of child pornography law in the federal system. If the government can prove you distributed child pornography, the recommended prison sentence increases under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Most people that use peer to peer networks are unaware that accessing these networks allows other users to download files from their computer. If another member, or the government, is able to pull child pornography from your computer through a peer to peer network the elements of distribution could be met.

If you are accused of possession or distribution of child pornography you need a lawyer that specializes in child pornography cases. In order to fight these cases, you need a complete investigation done on your behalf including a forensic evaluation of your computer to ensure the government can prove knowing possession.

Odom, Davis & Hobson – Child Pornography Lawyers

The child pornography lawyers at Odom, Davis & Hobson have handled numerous cases involving child pornography, and understand the steps it takes to effectively investigate the matter and build an effective defense. Our child pornography lawyers have over 40 years of experience defending clients on allegations of possession and distribution of child pornography.

We understand the process by which the federal prosecutors work to obtain a conviction in child pornography cases, and will work to ensure that you are placed in the best position possible at the resolution of your case.

Contact us today.

Our lawyers write extensively on child pornography defense.  Those articles are chronicled at our Child Pornography Defense Blog.

Contact us today
for a consultation

We Stay in the Know

Child Pornography Criminal Defense Article

Child Pornography Sentencing in Federal Court: Part One

Child Pornography Sentencing: Part One                                                 Brian T. Hobson Introduction Over the last 25 years, Congress has been...

Child Pornography Sentencing in Federal Court: Part Two

Child Pornography Sentencing: Part Two Brian T. Hobson File sharing programs are relatively familiar to most of the...

Curtailing Judicial Discretion – Federal Sentencing (Part One)

Curtailing Judicial Discretion - Federal Sentencing (Part One) Brian T. Hobson For decades, district court judges had full...

We Stay in the Know

Child Pornography Criminal Defense Article

Child Pornography Sentencing in Federal Court: Part One

Child Pornography Sentencing: Part One                                                 Brian T. Hobson Introduction Over the last 25 years, Congress has been...

Child Pornography Sentencing in Federal Court: Part Two

Child Pornography Sentencing: Part Two Brian T. Hobson File sharing programs are relatively familiar to most of the...

Curtailing Judicial Discretion – Federal Sentencing (Part One)

Curtailing Judicial Discretion - Federal Sentencing (Part One) Brian T. Hobson For decades, district court judges had full...

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